By Tia Liszawati

Jun 4, 2021

Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori: A Review

Title        : Laut Bercerita

Author    : Leila S. Chudori

Publisher : Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia (KPG)

Published on October 2017

Pages        : 389 pages

    May is a memorable month for us Indonesian. Back in May 1998, a huge riots happened in every city in Indonesia. It caused by economic problems and the discontent of Soeharto's leadership as the President back then. Later on, these riots led to the resignation of President Soeharto and the fall of New Order (Orde Baru) government. However, it didn't happen in a year only. Years before 1998, many of college students (mahasiswa) had shown their dissapointment to New Order government and the leadership of Soeharto. They secretly gathered to discuss about Indonesia's future, about the government, and sometimes they took actions to protect farmers, labors and local communities. The thing about New Order government is that they took no complaints and anyone who disagrees with the government will be arrested. Some of them came back, the others.... lost. No words, no news.

    Laut Bercerita is a historical fiction that talks about this event of  1997-1998 activists kidnapping in Indonesia. The main character is Biru Laut, a college student and one of the 22 activists who had been abducted and tortured by the elite miltary force. This book is devided into two chapters from different point of view. The first chapter was told from Biru Laut's POV. It follows his days as a student in Gadjah Mada University, the day he met Kasih Kinanti, Bram, Naratama and the other student activists and became one of them. This chapter also tells about how Laut and the other activists were kidnapped and brutally tortured by the elite military force called "Elang". On the other hand, the second chapter was told from Asmara Jati's point of view. She is the younger sister of Laut. This chapter focused on the struggles and mentality of the family, relatives and friends of the missing activits. Asmara should act as the rational one in the family, to keep her family together, to be strong and to keep looking out for information of her brother and friends.

    This book is beautifully painful in so many ways. Once I read it, I can't put it down. That is why, I finished this book within 24 hours!!!! This book is a perfect package: it gives me warmth from the story of Laut's family that is so harmonious and supportive, his relationship with his parents and his little sister. It makes me laugh and smile to read Laut's friendship with the other activists, the way his friends teased him to chase Ratih Anjani, his love interest. It even makes me hungry because God, Leila Chudori did a great job at describing the foods like Tengkleng, Sambal, Indomie, Nasi Tutug Oncom???? Seriously this book made me hungry all the time. And above all, this book gives me goosebumps, rage and to cover it all: sadness. The fact that this story is based on true event, that it happened here in this country make me sad and angry. I can't even imagine how it feels to be one of those activits and even the family. Biru Laut and Asmara Jati have succeeded in making me understand that feeling through their stories.

    Let's talk about the characters. Leila is a genius in giving names to her characters. I mean c'mon, Biru Laut, Asmara Jati, Ratih Anjani, Kasih Kinanti, Naratama? If it doesn't sound beautiful in your ears, I don't know what does. I love Laut and Asmara's character development, especially Asmara. She had a different view in politic as her brother at first. Asmara didn't believe in anything abstract. She believed in something real. She wanted to be a doctor, so she thought that helping a mom to give birth is more helpful than trying to overthrow the government. However, when her brother went missing, she tried so hard to find the answers even if it means she has to fight the government. When everyone around her started to fall apart, she stands. God, I just want to hug her so much and tell her it's okay to breakdown:((((((

    How about the romance? Well, of course this book has a romance but it doesn't dominate the story. The romance is soooo light which I love so I can focus to the PAIN:(((((((

    In conclusion, this book helps me to understand about what happened in Soeharto's reign and sparks the fire of curiousity in me to find out more about this event. If you want to know about what's going on in this country back in the 1997 to 1998's but you hate to read that big history book (like me), Laut Bercerita can be an option for you to understand it a little bit (after reading it you should still do some more research from a non-fiction book). 

5/5 stars for Laut Bercerita.

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May 31, 2021

Let's Start All Over Again, Shall We?

I made this blog back when I was still in high school. Now, I already graduated from college. This blog had been used for so many things throughout the years: personal diary, college task, movies review, books review etc etc. I'm thinking about using this blog again for sharing some books review since now I am into reading again (one good thing in this pandemic era).

I'm not sure what language I will use for this blog, since English is not my first language but I want to keep improving my English skill. Well, let's decide to use both English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Sooooo.... should I introduce myself again? I think I should.

My name is Tia. People on twitter probably recognize me as Liz. You can call me either Tia or Liz, I won't mind. As I told you, I just graduated from college, in English Education Department. But please don't expect me to speak or write in English fluently:((( I, however, am still learning, my friends. Born and live in the small town in karawang, West Java.

What else? Oh, right! Favorite genre of books, I guess? Since i'll (hopefully) talk about books on this blog.

I love-- wait it will be easier to list genre I don't like that much. I basically read everything but I'm not a big fan of horror, thriller, vampires, and short-stories. Other than that? I'M IN! But most of my books are in fantasy, romance, and YA. So, maybe i'll talk more about those genres.

I think that's all information about me that I can share, you know, data stealing is a huge thing nowadays so keep your personal info to yourself! However, you can always hit me on my social media. Look on your right and you can find a small section for Twitter and Instagram, hit the button and you'll be transported to my social media, yayy!!

I hope you guys will enjoy your stay here.


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